All Kennedy Meadows property owners are invited to sign up. BLM will usually devote up to one hour of labor with their massive wood chipper to each property owner. They will be here on Saturday, and stay for Sunday only if there are enough interested parties.

Have your slag branches stacked in an area accessible to their truck and trailer. The butt end of the branch should face the trailer. Also designate a direction to blow the produced chips. Leave branches intact as much as possible, so it is easier to pick up a single, large branch and feed it into the chipper. Branches can be up to 8 inches in diameter (their chipper can go a bit larger), but each should not weigh too much to be picked up by one man. Most will be smaller because the large ones are firewood size. Members of the KMPO&A will check your stack and organize the schedule before BLM comes. You must either have someone present or arrange for access as below.

Sign up through Bill Ferguson by email and/or phone: 760‐608‐9958

Give your contact info, address or APN, and which days you could be present or arrange for access.