Fast local response in Kennedy Meadows (Volunteer Fire & First Aid Team): 559-850-HELP (4357)
Fire and Law enforcement emergencies: 911
Tulare County Sheriff: Mike Boudreaux (24hr non-emergency dispatch): 559-733-6218
Jason Baillie (deputy shefiff for our area): 559-733-6218
Kennedy Meadows Fire Station (Volunteer Fire Dept.): 559-850-FIRE
Black Rock Fire Station (BLM) 559-580-2737
Chimney Peak Fire Station (BLM): 559-850-2737 (this station is not usually manned)
Liberty Ambulance/Ridgecrest: 760-375-6565
Ridgecrest Regional Hospital: 760-446-3551
Blackrock Visitor Center: 559-539-2607 ext. 72276
Up to the minute weather in Kennedy Meadows courtesy of hbastro.com
Weather forecast for Kennedy Meadows
USDA Site for Sequoia National Forest
Tulare County Property Tax
Tulare County General Plan (see Kennedy Meadows under Part III Area Plans 5 of 5)